Life goes on!
Despite the circumstances, aim to keep your personal daily routines intact, or create new routines if the situation calls for it. 

Stay connected!
If health authorities have recommended limiting physical social contact in your region, keep in touch with family and friends through telephone, social media, email, or video conferencing.

Stay connected!
If health authorities have recommended limiting physical social contact in your region, keep in touch with family and friends through telephone, social media, email, or video conferencing.

Take care of yourself!
In stressful times like these, be sure to tend to all of your needs. If there’s something that you usually like doing that doesn’t involve going out – do it! Regular exercise, healthy sleep routines and healthy eating can all go a long way. Also be sure to keep things in perspective.

Avoid TMI (too much information)!
Staying informed is good, but the near-constant barrage of reports regarding the outbreak will distress or frustrate even the best of us. Moderating your own information-seeking behaviour helps – the WHO recommends gathering information at specific times of the day, from reputable and trustworthy sources. Learning to spot misinformation (spread either online or through word-by-mouth) will help avoid undue anxiety, and keep you and your family healthy.

Avoid TMI (too much information)!
Staying informed is good, but the near-constant barrage of reports regarding the outbreak will distress or frustrate even the best of us. Moderating your own information-seeking behaviour helps – the WHO recommends gathering information at specific times of the day, from reputable and trustworthy sources. Learning to spot misinformation (spread either online or through word-by-mouth) will help avoid undue anxiety, and keep you and your family healthy.

Spread positivity!
Be on the look out for opportunities to spread love and hope to the people around you (even from a distance). Uplifting stories about the experiences of people that have recovered from COVID-19 or their carers may help you (and others!) get through tough times.