Wash your hands frequently
Regularly and thoroughly with 60% ethanol or 70% isopropanol for 20-30 seconds or with Soap & Water for 40-60 seconds
Maintain Social distancing
Maintain at least 1 meter distance from each other. Instead of shaking hands greet others with alternative methods of greeting. (You can make our own alternative)
Maintain Social distancing
Maintain at least 1 meter distance from each other. Instead of shaking hands greet others with alternative methods of greeting. (You can make our own alternative)
Avoid Touching eyes, nose & mouth
Avoid Touching your face especially before washing hands
Practice Respiratory Hygiene
Cover your nose and mouth with bent elbow or a tissue when you cough and sneeze. Dispose used tissue immediately into a closed bin. Clean hands afterwards
Practice Respiratory Hygiene
Cover your nose and mouth with bent elbow or a tissue when you cough and sneeze. Dispose used tissue immediately into a closed bin. Clean hands afterwards
Having fever, cough, difficulty in breathing?
Seek Medical care early. Follow the directions of your local authority. Early detection help you and helps to prevent the spread of virus (and also other infections)
Stay Informed
Get to know the latest development through trusted sources. Don’t Spread Hoaxes, always check the source. Follow the advice given by healthcare provider and national public health authority.
Stay Informed
Get to know the latest development through trusted sources. Don’t Spread Hoaxes, always check the source. Follow the advice given by healthcare provider and national public health authority.